Sunday, July 3, 2016

TImeline for Your Classroom

Creating Online Timeline for the Students

Yes, I am sure you already know about this.
What is time line?
and What is Tiki-toki
I am sure you know because you already read my previous post about Timeline. Here, right?

Well, yeah..The question now is how you can use this online tool in your classroom?
In what activity and in what way?

 Actually, the activity can be modified as creative as you want. For the lesson, you need to choose the appropriate one, such as history, biography, daily activity or maybe recount text. Many things can be done with timeline.

It is one example of lesson plan how you integrate your lesson with technology (Online Timeline).
This lesson plan made by my friend and I

As the pre activity, You can do just like this.

1. Greetings.

2. pictures of famous people such as President Soekarno, Harry Styles and Thomas Alpha Edison (Lead-in)
3. Eliciting some question about those people.

 In the main activity, you will continue just like this. But, remember that you can have your own creative and fun activity. It is just an example.

1. Giving one biography text of those famous people.
2. Asking the students to read the text individually.
3. Teacher will ask some basic question of the text and give some help about the new vocabulary. 
4. Asking the students to fill the blank space of the handout (Group work).
5. The teacher make simple line as the basic of timeline. 
6.  The teacher gives example for the first; writes the date or year and the event.
7.  After filling the blank, the students are asked to write the date and the event in good order on the white board in form of timeline (Group work).
8.  Getting feedback from the teacher about what aspect that is needed in the biography.
9.  Explaining in brief about timeline. 
10.  Asking the students to make the outline of their own biography. 
11.  Giving example of making timeline online using “Tiki-Toki”.

Asking the students to make their own timeline using “Tiki-Toki” by going to this link;

Submitting URL on teacher’s email.
13.  The teacher will ask some students to present their timeline.
14.  After some students presenting their timeline, teacher gives feedback.

Come to the post activity, you can wrap up the lesson by these activity. 

1. Before closing the meeting, the teacher ask the students to make mind map or spider web that consist of “what do you need to write biography?”. It is designed to review the lesson. 
2. Give the feedback then close the class.

Yes, everyone, once more I tell you that you can modified it and make your own activity for timeline. 

Here is the link to download the full and complete lesson plan how to use Timeline in your classroom.


Hopefully, these all are useful for you, teachers.
Keep finding the best way to teach.
Be professional and competent one.

Keep enjoy this Teacher's Path blog.   





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