Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tips and Tricks Joining EPIC CAMP

What's the tips? What's the trick?


Well Hello People. How’s life? I hope everything is going fine. 

Well, in my previous post, I have already shared about what EPIC CAMP is. If you have not read it yet, please click HERE to know more about EPIC CAMP. Now, I want to share information dealing with how to join EPIC CAMP with some tips and tricks.

In 2017, EPIC CAMP was held on January, but the registration started from November, 2016. So, now we are in November. YUP! November, meaning that the registration will be closed soon! Prepare yourself. Oh My God, Gomez. Why do you tell us just now? It’s near the due date! I am very sorry to tell it too late, but I promise you to share something good below, Okay? Calm. . In my opinion it is the right time to share this things, and for you, it is the right time to prepare yourself. Oh, come on. Stop going round and round. Oh, Okay, here it is.

Info #1;
CAMP EPIC usually opens the registration on October to November. As one of the conditions to apply this camp, you need to be on your last year of your study, it is focused on English teacher. But, if you already teach and not coming from Education background, you can join as well since some campers come from English Literature Department. 
After knowing the information about the registration, you can download the file (application form) to start writing what is needed. Usually, in the application form will be needed the information of your curriculum vitae, your reason joining the camp, your future plan and your recommendation from a lecturer or Head of Department. You can start completing those form before the due date. 

Here are some tips and trick to write an application;
  • ·         Don’t forget to be honest to yourself in writing the answer.
Write what is actually happened to you. Write your reason or answer as honest as possible. You may make it simple but you get them the point of your answer.
  • ·         Don’t forget to use “Netiquette” when sending or replying an email.
RELO office will contact the participants by email. So, you sometimes need to ask question or maybe reply them. Don’t forget to use formal words, simple and clear subject and right signature.
  • ·         Don’t ruin your application form by many attachments.
If the form actually is in one complete document, don’t try to separate them. When you got the form in one full package document, don’t try to unpack them. You also need to be careful to the file attachment that you send. Don’t forget the size limitation of the documents.
  • ·         Be familiar with technology.
Yupz, everyone. In filling the application form, you need to type, scan documents and maybe sign on it. You also might to scan or resize your photo to make it fit into email. You also maybe need to use some applications to do your work such as converting or etc.
So, please be familiar with it. Or, you can ask your friends, other experts or internet to help you. Friends who had experience in applying for scholarship may help you find easy way to complete the form.
Also, make your application form neat. Don’t ruin the bullet point or the space form question to question. Type it well.
  • ·         Proofread.
Before submitting your application form, don’t forget to check the spelling, punctuation, and the grammar error. Remember that good sentence is the sentence that is simple and understandable. Don’t use flowery words that will ruin your contain of essay.
  • ·         Don’t submit the application form more than the due date.
This is the rule. Ha.Ha!

Info #2;
After submitting your application form by email to the RELO Office, you need to wait for maybe several weeks to know that you passed. It needs times because the amount of participants who enroll this camp are fantastic. For the last camp, CAMP EPIC 3, the number of participants are about 500 to 600 participants. So, please be patient to wait the confirmation email.
Don’t need to worry, all of you will got the confirmation email as the answer of your application. If you are selected, the email maybe comes with “I’m happy to inform you” or “Congratulation”.
If you are not selected, the email also comes and don’t be sad, you still have chance to join many other good programs.
Well, after you got the email, the RELO office will give you time think for maybe 2 days to really decide either you join the camp or not. You need to reply the email.

Well... those are all i know. you may add some other tips and tricks in the comment below. hopefully, for you who interested in this program, you can be one of outstanding campers in 2018.
keep inspiring !!

Connected through EPIC CAMP


If you have already read my previous post about WHAT IS EPIC CAMP, you may know the abbreviation of EPIC. Yupp, E P I C stand for Empowered, Prepared, Inspired, and Connected. Out of the first three letters that were really happened in the camp process, C for connected has really good impact for me myself after the camp. 

When we were selected as the participants, the counselors and participants had group in social media such as WhatsApp. Before meeting at Batu, the campers did a lot of communication in the WhatsApp group and email. After the camp finished, the WhatsApp group still connected us. Are you serious? It must be a big fat hoax, Gomez! It really ties as the really big family from all over Indonesia and Timor Leste. Moreover, we also have WhatsApp group for all alumni from EPIC Camp 1, 2, and 3. Even, we made Line group to do video call for release the “pain” of missing other campers. 

Reunion in Jakarta
Those social medias really connects us. It is not only for sharing our daily activity, but also sharing information about many opportunities for developing our skills and ability; exchange program, volunteering program and scholarship. My thought back then was “the campers will not meet again and only can connect each other from social media”. In fact, my expectation is extremely contrary to the reality. Hey, Gomez, you make it all hyperbole. Hey, Hey, she said the truth, see the perfect and authentic proof here, Dude. 

 Reunion in Surabaya

Yupp, many campers could meet again in other occasions, it could be a program, seminar, workshop or just “meet up”. This means that the campers are connected not only in social media but also in the real life. In my case, I did meeting up with my first and second alumni of EPIC CAMP in Surabaya, in that occasion I also met my counselor and senior from EPIC CAMP 2 from Ambon, they were attending the same conference as me. Then, I also met up with my counselors from Jember and Surabaya and one alumnae of EPIC CAMP 3 from Malang, we met in Surabaya. We did not only meet, say hello, and then say goodbye, but we shared story, experience, opportunity and many things related to teaching and our passion. That was not only happen in my case, but it happened to the other campers. 

I did ask my friend from Jakarta, Mr. Anderson. He said that “through meet ups, I feel that the idea of connected is no longer jargon/slogan. Through meet ups, we do not only stay personally connected, but also professionally connected. We share a lot about the projects that we have completed or those that we are working with, spurring each other to keep advancing towards a better future. The meet up is also a chance for us to connect with a bigger circle of colleagues. For example, it turns out that some campers are actually acquainted with my formal lecturer, resulting in more fruitful discussion, and yes, one thing for sure: meet ups show how campers are really committed to support each other as one big EPIC family.” 

Reunion in Magelang
Mrs. Maywil, a camper from Magelang, also added that “meet up ini bukan hanya kesempatan untuk melepas rindu, tapi juga untuk bergosip. Gossip/ghibah yang saya maksud bukan sembarang ghibah, tapi untuk membicarakan keberhasilan campers lain, alias menyebarkan kabar gembira secara langsung. Ghibah-ghibah inilah yang memotivasi campers lain untuk maju, mengikuti campers yang sudah didepan. Yang saya dapat dari meet ups: ilmu/informasi, semangat, kebersamaan.”
 Mrs. Irma, from Semarang also added that Meet up is sharing. “Sharing tentang apapun; ilmu, pengalaman, atau hanya sekedar ngobrol. Kita sendiri tahu kalau semua campers adalah orang orang hebat dengan segudang pengalaman. So, ngobrol bermanfaat banget kalo ketemu sama campers.”

For me myself, the meet up will inspire you to be a really better person. the EPIC alumni are not a joke. They are all awesome and wonderful people. They have good passion and big dream. They know what they want to do for their community and Indonesia. I love to be among them. Such a great time that I need to be grateful.
Reunion in Makassar
Those above are only a lil’ bit testimony from other campers. But, for real, we are just connected to each other since we are CAMP EPIC. There is no regret to have those inspiring people around me. It reminds me to the very sweet and memorable song.
Friends are nothing ‘til they camp together
They must camp the whole day
They must camp the night away
They must camp
Together they must camp”

Well, for you guys who interested in teaching and eligible for this EPIC CAMP EPIC, I recommend you to join this. Yup, the registration will be close in 15th November 2017. Apply it as soon as possible! 

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