Tuesday, June 14, 2016

5 Best Online Resources for EFL Teacher

 5 Best Online Resources for EFL Teacher
Long time ago, teachers was having difficulties to find out material, media and supported recources to teach. Without any Internet connection and limited recources to teach, teachers are mostly do the same thing that is monoton.

But, nowadays, in this technology era, teachers are extremely easy to find interesting material in the internet. In many cases, teacher can find many things now in the Internet related with their teaching such as lesson plan, books, articles, video or songs to support their teaching.
Talking about the online recources, for those who don't have any experience or idea what it is and where you can find it,  this article will help you find out more.

There are 5 best Online Recources for EFL Teachers

 1. Busy Teacher
This is one of author's favorite recources. In Busy Teacher you can find many things related to support your teaching, such as lesson plan, worksheet, video. song and related articles or books. It is also free access and downloadable.  Go to Busy Teacher

2. BBC Learn Engish
BBC Learn Engish is one of the most popular recources among EFL teachers. It is from the Great Britain that provide teacher many things as well. BBC Learn Engish is very well-known with the podcast or audio for listening with the British accent. It's not only provide listening material, it also provide teacher with lesson plan and teaching ideas. Go to BBC Learn Engish.

 English CLub is also interesting recources. It has page for the learners and for the teacher. It provides many things related English skill and teaching English. Go to English CLub .

4. ESL Video
For teachers who find difficulties providing students with good and appropriate videos or audio listening, you can klik and go to ESL Video. It provides you with many ESL video and podcast that will support your teaching process. Go to ESL Video.

5. Super Simple Learning

One of the difficulties that teachers found is teaching young learners with many interesting activity. To solve that problem,  Super Simple Learning provides you many songs and videos related to the material for English young learner. In  Super Simple Learning  also, you can find articles that may give you more knowledge about how to teach young learner.

Those are the best Online Resources for EFL Teachers. You can find out more about the recources by individually visit those links. Further, to know a hundred of online recources,  you can klik Online Recources for EFL Teacher

Okay, hopefully, it helps you in your real teaching.
Keep teaching with sincerity, helping with pleasure and inspire with no reward. 
Hope you enjoy this article.

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