Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Daily Journal -7th Meeting-

 Daily Journal "7th Meeting"

Hai everyone, another welcome from my daily journal. I hope you are not bored reading my story. Yes, I am still on the sixth semester on this CALL course.

Today, it’s seventh meeting. It will talk about how the skills are taught integrated. Yes, we cannot teach English if it’s not integrated.

Imagine, you teach listening without reading or speaking or even writing. Your students will only listen all the time and do nothing. That will be so boring and .. that’s not effective , right?

You can teach two or three skills in the same time, and that’s really good, right?

Yess. Absolutely good. 

Teaching speaking integrated with listening, it will be perfect.

And also, in this meeting we introduced how to use webquest to help our integrated skill.

Webquest is design for teacher to give material to the students. Mostly, teacher only give little explanation and give many links to read. After that, there will be a evaluation. It’s an assignment for the students. 

Yes, it’s really helpful actually for teaching.

Also, I learn how to make poster online.

Yes, it is on the Postermywall.

It’s free and easy to make.

But, for my poster submission, I need to make it several times, because in the middle of my masterpiece, it’s a postermywall watermark. And I took so long time to make that watermark gone. 

Guys, have a look on my poster. 
Right here. 

Acuallly, I can do better on making this poster, but because of the limited time and internet access, i cannot do more.

In the end of this lesson, I can learn that integrated English skills is the effective one. We cannot separate one and any other skill. It’s a wasting time. Also, teaching English using webquest is also another good thing. You directly focusing what you want to teach to your students. I learn a lot.

Yeah, fellas. This is the end of my journal.
Wish you always healt, and keep enjoy my blog, Teacher's Path.  

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