Thursday, June 30, 2016

Daily Journal -8th Meeing-

Daily Journal "8th Meeing"

Good day, everyone.
Here is my eight daily journal about my CALL course. Don’t be bored, every one. I still have about another seven daily journals. Read it till the end, okay?

Now, this eighth meeting will talk about teaching reading skill using new thing. 

I am introduced a comic to teach reading.
Teaching reading usually is so bored.
You just asked to read, read and read again.
Read a paragraph, or even an essay.
Mostly that.
But, in this session, I am introduced to teach reading using a comic.
It can be the real comic, but here, it is a comic using online application.

You know that, reading is something that can give you many thing in this world, but it is also the most difficult one.
You need to motivate yourself to read something.

Considering that thing, teacher need to be more creative in engage and motivate the students’ literacy skill. How to make reading as the students’ habit.

So that’s why, in this meeting, I am introduced comic as one thing that can get student’s interest.
The comic can be made by the teacher, using Toondo or Pixton. Like I always said, that teacher need to be up to date to technology.
I have tried to make comic with Toondo, it’s fun and interesting. The one that you need to prepare is the idea of your comic, okay?

Let’s take a look on my comic made by my group.

I think I also learn new thing from this meeting. 
Yes, how to make a comic, and how you teach reading assisted with technology.
I can use Comic as an input to give new knowledge for the student, I also can make Comic as an output for higher level of the students.
Make everything, input and output as interesting as teacher can.
I think students who read and make a comic will have so much fun. 
Because in making a comic, students will have many creative ideas and they will create the best thing they want. 
Their result, it will surprise the teacher. I belive that. 

Tha't all what I can tell you about my eight meeting of CALL course. 
Hope you got something new and useful. 

Keep reading my Teacher's Path blog.

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