Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Daily Journal -10th Meeting-

Daily Journal "10th Meeting"

Hello everyone, this is my tenth meeting of CALL course.
Do you read my articles about many things dealing with technology and teaching?
You must read it, Guys, just click here.

Okay, in this meeting, I am introduced by several video converence such as Skype and Google Hangout.

These application is used as an creativity in teaching speaking. Most of the teacher, they practice the students speaking skill only in the conventional way, presenting and speak infront of the class.

Before this meeting, I already know about those two aplications, but no more than knowing the name and function. I never use it to  have a video call.
But, in this meeting, I try it all. I can use Google Hangout and Skype as well.

I will tell you my story about using Google Hangout and Skype.
Firstly, My friend and I tried to use Google Hangout. We used our mobile phone and laptop, but yeah.. the internet connection become the best problem.

Then, we decided to have Skype as a tool for our assignment. It is really difficult to find good signal and internet connection. We already make group call, but suddenly one or two friends cannot connect it. So, we have tried to do "Skype" for several times in several days.

But, miracle comes.
In the early morning, my groups can do the videoconferece. Our faces were on the screen. We were so death happy.

We try to watch our video, and... the clouds come, the rain fall.
Our voice are not clear and our senences in and out for many times.
But, still, the good one is that the experience.
Thank you, Sir.

Here, look at my group video call here.

Don't say anything, okay. I am happy that yo won't watch this.

Yes, back to normal.
In this meeting, I can find that Skype is a good tool for teaching. But, the internet connection is the one that needs to be considered for our students next time.
Of course, I hope that in the future, every school has their own wi-fi and every students can use school's computer or their own mobile phone for this.

Yes, before we use tools that need to be online, consider the main thing first, such as, internet connection, computer used, and others. So, before we give it to our students, we can solve and anticipate problem that may happen.

Teacher need to know many things so they can be called as a teacher. Teacher cannot be an out of date one.
Teacher needs to master HOW to USE TECHNOLOGY for the students. 

Yes, I think it's enough for you to read this journal meeting.
I will end it here, fellas.

Another reminder, keep going together with Teacher's Path in finding your Path.

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