Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Daily Journal -5th Meeting-

Daily Journal "5th Meeting"

In this meeting, I also learn a lot.
Our lecturer asked us to find out as many as possible the resources for teaching English. Yes, for all those four skills plus vocabulary and grammar.
I did that stuff with my group. Each students take one skill and try to find the resources.
After we collect it, we need to put them in term of mind map. Yes mind map.
It usually made by our pencil, books and other stuff.
Nut, this time we made it online.
It’s really new for me. 
I am introduced coogle and poplet.
Those applications are just very cool.
You can put picture and color them as you want.
And I go with coogle.

It is because if I use poplet, it need very good internet connection.
But, don’t worry, using coogle is also very nice.

Here is my result of coogle.


Yes.. after having this as my fifth meeting, I as teacher trainee realize that in this technology world, other people was provided us so many things. They provide us many tools or application that can be used for teaching. Teacher can use it as class activity easily.
Internet connection is not the problem anymore later. Teacher need to know all those stuffs and develop their creative activity how to use it in the classroom.

Remember, teacher's idea is the expensive one. Make your students' day as fun as you can.

Well.. okay, that's all everyone.
Keep follow my Teacher's Path blog to find your own Path on teaching.

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